Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lab 2a: Google Maps

View Surfing LA in a larger map

Neogeography is a term used to describe a new type of geography that allows people to create their own maps from existing ones simply by using an existing toolset. There are several pros and cons in neogeography. The ability for a user to create his/her own map allows for the personalization of maps. In a relatively short amount of time someone can create a map that shows all of their favorite places such as restaurants. This can then be shared with others. Neogeography allows for an exchange of information through personal maps in a short amount of time. If someone wants to give a group of people directions somewhere they can make a personal map and post it on the web.
Personalized maps can be very useful but neogeography has it's cons as well. The spread of personal information through neogeography could fall in the hands of the wrong person and lead to fraud or other illegal activities. Although neogeography creates some useful maps, these user generated maps are not always correct and the circulation of incorrect maps on the internet is a posibility. This is comparable to websites such as wikipedia which offers a wealth of information but isn't always correct. Personal maps are usually not suitable for research and do not convey vast amounts of information like the USGS topographic maps do. Neogeographic maps are similar to mental maps and therefore are one persons creation, not a standard to be used by everyone.

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